From the always fascinating Jack Wheeler at To The Point News:
"My friends at Falun Gong who publish the marvelous Epoch Times tell me that in China, they call President Trump “Chuan Da Ye.”
“Chuan” is how “Trump” is pronounced in Mandarin. “Da” means powerful or respected. “Ye” is grandfather. Trump for the Chinese is “Powerful Respected Grandfather Trump.”
“For people who know the Chinese language well, the words “Da Ye” together carry connotations of affirmation, respect, affection, authority, capability, and more. When people call someone “Da Ye,” it often means that they are willing to follow this person, at least morally. They like (Trump’s) toughness, his personality, and the fact that he is super rich and successful.
A deeper meaning underlying the nickname is the fact that, in the eyes of some Chinese people, Trump is daring to stand up against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has been suppressing its own people for decades. As they themselves might not have the courage or ability to fight against the CCP, many Chinese netizens are happy to see Trump doing so.”
It’s an apposite appellation. Here’s what TTP’s intel sources tell us:
The timing of Trump’s trade war with China is exactly right. The Chicoms are in a weakened position right now, having a major slowdown economically. The stock market is down 25%. Everything and everyone is way over-leveraged. Trump’s trade war is forcing the government to spend vast sums subsidizing and bailing out innumerable banks going belly up.
The whole world agrees China violates every rule on trade and steals IP. Trump is just the only one who is willing to take them on with the rest of the world cheering him on from the sidelines. Now it appears the EU is willing to cooperate with Trump and revise the WTO and to push China on IP and other trade violations. This is something they were never willing to do before.
Thus TTP’s intel agrees with the ET assessment: “If the trade war deepens, the Chinese regime will have nothing with which to fight back. Having far fewer imports from the United States than exports, the regime can’t match U.S. tariffs.”
Further, that Trump is fighting a “comprehensive war” against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).
“The trade war between the United States and China is not an international trade war as it appears on the surface. It is, in fact, a war between the nature of the CCP and humanity, and a war between the universal principles of the international world and the CCP’s party culture.”
And that it is a war Trump will win."
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