The escalating rhetoric is being denounced by the American left, whose appeasement brought us to this situation. Now they are attacking the president’s public comments as bellicose or provocative.
Perhaps, but there may be a deeper strategy at play.
Given China’s declaration of neutrality should North Korea attack first, it may well be Trump's strategy to provoke a military attack by North Korea.
In 2010, the North Koreans attacked South Korea by torpedoing the warship Cheonan and by shelling Yeonpyeong Island. With that recklessness in mind, the name-calling and flying American warplanes just outside North Korea's airspace may be an attempt to bait the North to attack again.
If North Korea even made the attempt to shoot down an American warplane, then a devastating U.S. counterattack would be justified, and China would be less likely to try to defend North Korea.
Regardless of which side fires the first shot, it is hard to see how this ends in any other way than North Korea being destroyed.